Sunday 12 December 2010


Jura and Tobermory came from a litter of six. Their mother had fallen on her feet after a tragic start and had the kittens in a nice warm home where she was loved. The Kittens all found homes we became the proud owners(servants) of two glorious bundles of fur and the friend who had told us about them had one of their brothers. Their Brother also a whisky fan was named Talisker. The breed that they belong to is a very intelligent breed great at working things out for themselves. For example Tobermory has worked out that water comes from the tap and that if he pushes the tap he will get water out of it, the only thing is he hasn't got the strength to turn it on and is so far frustrated. Talisker their brother is also very intelligent as you will see. Jura and Tobermory keep in touch with their brother Talisker and his new feline brothers and sisters via email, catching up with their latest adventures and escapades. The emails below show just how ingenuious they can be. Character list Jura ..................... Our little girl Tobermory ............ Our little boy Talisker 1 ............ Our white and totoishell female Talisker 2 ............ Tobermory and Jura's brother living with mum and dads friends Salem.................. Talisker 2's new feline sister with extra toes Tornado ................ Talisker 2's new feline brother Pipestrelle ............ Talisker 2's new feline brother Tadpole ................ Talisker 2's new feline sister Dearest brother Tobermoray and Sister Jura, together with your feline helpers Oban, Sprocket and Talisker1, I am writing this with the help of Salem, she being a reasonable scribe, and having an understanding of computer things. She is blessed with the additional 8 toes so puts herself in a higher class of underling. My female human tells me that your female human is writing a 'blog' - according to Salem, this is something like a scratch pole, but where you can air your opinions. My female human was in fits of laughter over that most dreaded of events - the application of flea medicine. As if the process itself is not enough of an afront to dignity! Anyway, I have found myself to be in a bit of a 'situation' and wonder if you have any theories. The story goes like this: Last week I woke up in the middle of the night feeling hungary. (Salem - are you sure that that is how the feeling is spelt?) I know the female human puts biscuits down for us at night - but I really felt like something a bit more substantial. And heree I just know your are going to critisise me, and I know all the books say you should not let your human share your bed - but she is good to snuggle up to in the night, and she looked so peaceful sleeping, I decided to go on a food finding expedition of my own. Between the food bowl room and the back door room there is, high on the wall, a cage full of ready meals (she calls them Zebra Finches). I can jump up and hang on the bars looking at these, but for some reason I cannot work out, the sliding access door is always kept shut. Remembering I did not want to wake my female human with requests for meat, I resourcefully jumped on the cage bars, and with one from paw holding on, my two back paws braced against the bottom of the cage, I managed to use my left paw to push up the door. The ready meals then started bouncing about the cage and I was able to catch two of them. How clever is that? The feathery wrapping was a bit of a nuisance, it gets up your nose, but the ready meals themselves were most delicious. Starting to feel sleepy after the excertion and the big meal, I just had time arrange the feather wrapping and the bones so that the female human could get the full impact of my resourcefulness, before I went back upstairs to bed and to a well earned sleep. Now comes the strange bit, when she got up and went downstairs she was not one little bit grateful!!. In fact she seemed quite cross and, would you believe it, upset!! I just do not understand it, it, it is quite unfathomable. She seems to have calmed down a bit now as she has bought me a new bed. It has four tall carved posts at each corner, a tall carved headboard and a carved high foot board. Oooh all that lovely wood!! Only problem is it is very shiny and very hard - not all that suited for scratching at all! Oh well, I suppose she is trying to be nice and butter me up. Butter, now there's an idea, I am pretty sure I saw a pat being defrosted in the back door room, taking Salem to investigate further. Bye for now............... Talisker2 xxxxx Hello Bro How are you and your family doing? We are great although I am a bitmiffed with my owners. They won't let me out of the bedroom window anymore. I tell you Bro its amazing, I can get out of the window onto the bathroom roof then onto the main house roof. The views are great I can see the street out at the front or see across into the big posh house gardens at the back. Okay I am a bit accident prone and have been known to fall of the pattern in the carpet but that was no reason to stop my fun. I am not that clumsy, the bruise from when I jumped into the bathroom sink and missed is fading, I just don't know what all the fuss is about. Tobermory our Brother is turning into a heavy weight. He was weighed the other day and he weighed in at 5 kilos and he is still growing, where as I only weigh 3.5 Kilos. I am getting close to Socks the oldest cat, he is not very well, Mum and Dad have taken him to the vets but the vet says he is just getting old. Mum wants to take him back to the old vets because she thinks its more than getting old. I have to admit he doesn't seem like his old self. I have been having a mad dash around the house this morning. We have a string curtain at the back door and I love dashing in and out attacking the last string. Mum has been telling every one about your predeliction for Zebra Finches and everyone is amazed. Mum wanted to know if you would mind her cutting and pasting your taleabout the Zebra Finches into the next blog. So we can boast about what the rest of the family are up to. I have taken up collecting. A few gardens away the small humans have some balls which I really like. I keep collecting them and bringing them home. There are pink ones green ones. Mum and Dad call them splat balls and keep throwing them back, how mean is that. Lots of love Jura and all the other cats and Mum and Dad Hi Bro, Hi Sis Mum is now sorting home and contents insurance on the phone so we have full access to the computer. I promised you the next step in the tale of the zebra finches if you remember. After I had had my supper feast, various attachements appeared on the cage. ie, several lengths of green garden twine to keep the door fastened - this was easy to get rid of though, in fact the ready meals themselves helped by pulling and fraying it from the inside! Then a padlock appeared on the door - this was not so easy, but, where there is a will there is a way - the key was left in it one day, so I sprang to my usual position on the front of the bars and removed the key and hid it in one of my hidey places. A fair amount of swearing and cursing came as a result of this and my plan flourished as the bolt cutters came out and the pesty padlock was removed! Unfortunately another one has replaced it, and, a really stupid bell hung just where I land on the bars! The humans went off one Sunday, to something called a garden centre and returned with three boxes that smelt of bird. These were emptied into the cage, and behold - there are now three more ready meals available. But, and this is the best bit, the humans couldnt get zebra finches, so the new ones are English finches!! How about that - none of that foreign muck, proper natural food! They are cheeky little sods as well - they hang on the bars on the inside, whilst I am hanging on the bars on the outside! Damn bell gives me away though. I can hear mum on the phone, tallking to the insurance person, she seems to have finished the covering my hunting and play area, and is saying she does not want any other cover, but I think they are being a bit persistent......... car - not due till next year, no we don't have any dogs (wonder what they taste like?) but have six cats, five rescued ones and me, ages? errr, 3 are ten years, 1 at 3 years, 1 at 2 years and 1 at just over one if it lives any longer - don't like the sound of that!! Hey guys we have had a birthday!! mum worked it out to be 28 August, although I did not turn up here till the same time you guys got home. I wonder if the Finches were bought for us for our birthdays and she forgot? Might find a way to drop that into a conversation. Another thing, and this is for Tobermory, so Jura just tune out for a moment. Not so long ago I went for a trip in the cat basket to a strange smelling place called 'the vets'. I am really not sure what happened there, I think somebody slipped me a roofie in my drink, cos when I woke up 2 significant parts of my anatomy were missing! What's more, according to the other boys, Tornado and Pipistrelle, they also had this experience. ALso, in each case, the food magically disappeared the evening before! Tadpole has this conspiracy theory going on about alien abduction - she looks like an alien with her enormous ears and eyes, and she says my 'parts' were taken by alien-vets! She says you can tell because they wear masks and long gowns. The food abduction is just the first sign! Well, mum is off the phone now, and is looking like she wants the computer back. Now that the house is all nice and insured I suppose I had better go and test the new cover by trashing something. Come on Salem............ take care Talisker (and Salem). xx

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