Sunday 13 June 2010


Cats Glorious Cats, They are the love of our lives. They have provided us with side splitting laughter lots of love and a wealth of anecdotes. We have five wonderful moggies and within the blog we aim to introduce you to them and their great Characters. First of all I will introduce you to Socket who is the oldest of the family an old man of 15. A large Ginger Tom who still manages to look elegant and refined. His Ginger relates more to the peach than the orange and his tail ends in a gorgeous creamy colour. His feet are cream and neat. His faces is long rather than round but not long like an oriental. He had pale green eyes which he calmly turns to scrutinise you.
Socks as he is known for short was born to us. His mother and her sister had been an anniversary present to us. We had always had our cats neutered when they reached six months but according to the vet she had a flea allergy caused by hormonal problems and would never be able to have kittens, famous last words. Three years later she began to get a bit pudgy and it was decided that she was eating too much and we needed to watch her diet. Despite this her tummy grew until the penny dropped and we realised we were going to be grandparents. We eagerly awaited the event and she duly presented us with three little mewling balls of fur.
There were two ginger toms and a grey tabby girl. A Friend wanted the little girl and at 8 weeks old she went off in her new cat basket to be a single spoiled cat living in the lap of luxury. Despite lots of advertising nobody wanted Ginger toms and Socket and his brother stayed with us. Although Socket and his brother were both Ginger they were completely different Socket had elegant proportions tall and long whereas his brother was a compact and round faced muscle man despite the physical differences they had similar personalities and were lovely cats.
Sockets first friend was a piece of bacon, we had been chomping on bacon butties and offered him a small piece expecting him to gobble up this small treat, Socks grabbed it and ran off in delight but eat it he did not. That bacon became the bane of our lives, for months Socks carried this piece of bacon round with him. It became stiff and green and fluffy but it was his pal and he loved that bacon. We would try and kidnap it away, to the bin but he would become distressed that his friend had gone and would not accept a substitute so it would be fished out of the bin and given back to him. He would guard it jealously from the other cats not letting the others play with it. The other cats soon lost interest when it turned green. Socks and his pal would go off to share secrets and face the world and its problems together. The bacon became known as Socks Little Friend.
Then one day Socks abandoned his Little Friend he had found true love, mice, these could interact with him and play chase, not just be inanimate providing no conversation. When we found where Socks Little Friend had been hidden we gave him a fine send off, up the vacuum cleaner, never to be seen again. Socks was so enamoured of his new little friends he never noticed.
The fact that the mice really didn't want to play with Socks passed him by completely. So began Socks innocent phase, he would bring them home proudly and introduce them to us he would show them around the house telling them were the food was how to get through the cat flap and what fun they would have together. We were forever evicting mice voles rats etc. We had to be especially vigilant when the other cats were around who saw mice as entertainment and food. Socks would introduce his new friend to his mum and Aunt then go off and see if any food was available to share with his chum he would come back to see his mum disappearing through the cat flap and his friend gone, often with us in hot pursuit. He probably thought his mum was showing his new friend the garden and must have been called away while out with her.
Then one day the inevitable happened Socks accidentally killed one of his new buddies he was devastated. He mewled at us to help and see why his pal was no longer moving. He couldn't understand why there was no longer any movement. Then something must have clicked in his brain and gone was the innocent little chap and a voracious hunter replaced him. No longer were mice his best friend but a new pastime to really get his teeth into.
Many years have passed and Socks is no longer able to hunt he is old and is riddled with Arthritis but when he is asleep lying on his back with his feet in the air, he dreams of the great chase and he twitches away with the excitement of the hunt.

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